Friday 24 September 2010

if i worked at mythic

if i worked at mythic this is what i would be pushing for GUILD DUNGEONS at supreme ward level this is how it would go down.

 the old cities are now the new supreme ward dungeons not a new idea they have them and there there so why not use them the first part is geting in to it the guild must first go and plant there standard on the gate house to open the door.

 to do this they must scale the walls defeat the hero on top of the wall then fight there way to the gate house and defeat the lord who guards the gate on to the second stage.

i have too ideas for this one is to take the main point in the city (as an example the apex in IC) the guild must fight their way to this point and capture it. for the boss here it would be heros but you have to defeat the hero before the next one comes along and you get swamped, but if you live congrats loot for you and on to the final part.

my other idea for this is to have 3 boss 2 heros one lord you only have to defeat the lord to get to the next stage and get the loot but if you do this the boss is on its hardest setting, so defeating ti you get 3 legendary loot droops , butt defeat one of the heros and you only get less loot from him and he is on his medium setting and if you defeat both he is on his easy setting so on to the final part 

now you fight the big boss so depending what city you are in this will be the big ork war boss and his shammy buddy or the which king  how this would go down i donut know but they would have different mechanics and there would be random every time you went in so the with king way one time be riding a hydra the next time you went he may be he will have a magic leaching aurora. so you defeat the boss and you get ........... well my lovelies thats for tomorrow :P 

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