Monday 11 October 2010

bring back witch hunter weapon buffs

one thing i am all ways asked is what dose a witch hunter contribute to a grope besides signal target DPS well i say we can give you all a moral parry for about seven seconds and what else they say and i say we can weaken the other class with exit wound and make them 5% more likely to crit hit. so other than that what else ?

all which hunters have probably had this conversation at sum point about what do you give to the group or war band and i will say we are a very solo class with probably about 99% of which hunters sticking to one build and nothing else, this is what sent me to go and experiment with the inc tree which gives you more dot damage and sum other good abilities. and there are sum WH out there who have experimented and prospered.

know this is not a god all WH go the same way like sum conformist sheep post i try to stay away from it but it can come in at sum points indeed i ran with that spec and is very good but its so good you just donut want to change as the saying goes if its not broke dount fix it, indeed one of the things i dout like is the fact i have nothing i can give anyone.

so with that in mined lets look back at relay early stuff sumthing that got left on the concept board and that is witch hunters should be able to buff other peoples weapons know i dout know if it made it in to bata but i know it was one of the concepts that was there from what i could fined WH gave out a buff on your weapons and by the sounds of it it was crit hit, and stats de buffers as well.

would love to see this put in the game it would help make the WH more group friendly and not a lone wolf who gets the blame for kill stealing ;p

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