the SW is not the only one to suffer from strange abilities in mastery trees, but what do i mean by this well,
my alt is a SW and looking at the mastery tree its odd where glass arrow sits in the tree.
am not going to get in to how bad an ability it is but as it says in the tree a path for long range bow attacks so why have an aoe ability in the tree it would be much better in the skirmisher tree if it was swapped with shadow sting it would make more sense to me.
you see this makes me think that mythic rushed the mastery trees at launch and it can show in sum trees like the WL. first off that tactic and ability should only be available to that class so the 50% crit damage increase is available for the marauder witch hunter and white lion (with out there pet) you see it should be made a core ability and a new tactic put in its place.
the tree is all about striking from behind so how about a tactic that is geared towards that end or how about one that extends PW and STH duration length.
but back to my main point what should a mastery tree do, well you have 2 lv 40 WH's RR 80 just for arguments sake they both have sovereign gear offensive with the same tali's and such. they should be the same but what makes the 2 WH different well one is judgment spec (WH a) and the other is confession spec (WH b). WHa is an ambush guy and as such his mastery tree improves his abilities and makes him a better ambusher, WHb is a 1v1 type of guy and is has abilities and improvements to aid in his task.
i can say the current mastery trees are not this way inclined WAR could relay take a look at the
rogue tree from WOW all the tree if aimed at increasing your effectiveness in that particular role you will be filling it makes far more sense this way.