last month the two handed tank community was up in arms as they where about to lose there guard, as you had to have a shield to use it, anyone can tell i all ways get annoyed at this subject when it comes up as being a witch hunter we get the short end of the stick by getting no guard at all.
so the dust has cleared and guard remains for the moment so lets look at what tanks where saying
sword and bored
many tanks where complaining that S&B specking is too boring and not enough DPS
well to me this is just wrong i have taken on tanks that can put out sum big numbers with there S&B specks
the whole point is to give you more survivability when you go S&B not to mention numerous threads on the forum of tanks complaining they where taken down by a MDPS. to me it sounds like people are not specking right for the S&B.
no guard no love
if you take away guard then my grope will not take me to IC
this is the second biggest point people said which just bogals the mind tanks are the best at crowd control so i have no simpaty for anyone who put this. and if that did become the case then find a guild that will take you there are more guild out there than crimson.
no guard no sub
if you do this mythic i will un-sub
i wish they had stood there ground on this issue andy did say thay will come back to this so tick tock
so there you have it but the name of the title is called guard and compromise so what is the compromise, well i have a number of ideas
1. take guard off two handers many are not using it or just apply it ones and forget about it
2. a new ability for them in stead of guard
3. a complete re-looking at tanks by mythic
4. less damage more parry on two handers
5. more damage for one handers less parry but more block
6. armor de-buff for using two handers
so those are my ideas not every one will agree comments welcome